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10 Things Not To Say When Asking For A Raise

7 Things Not To Say When Asking For A Raise

Career Advice ...

Asking for a raise can take you completely out of your comfort zone but in today’s economic climate if you don’t ask you often don’t get. Here are  10 things to avoid when asking for that raise.

1 - “I Quit!” (unless you are prepared to)

While it is very important to do your preparation don’t threaten to leave if your salary expectation is not met unless you are prepared to do so. Using a counter offer for a raise often makes your employer feel threatened and backed into a corner. They also question your long-term loyalty to the company even if successful.

2 -    “I want it now!”

Timing is everything. Don’t ask for the raise just after your company has announced poor financial results as that shows you don’t have the company’s interests at heart and will clearly impact your chances of getting a raise even if your boss wants to give you one!

3 -     “I deserve 200k a year”

When doing your research make sure it is realistic. Do you have the same amount of experience for the job advertised online? Also make sure that you research a number of job ads and take the average salary, not the biggest one as your expectation. This also counts for the performance of the company, if the results are less than stellar you may need to rein in your salary expectation accordingly.

4 -     “I demand a raise”

The last time you got a raise is largely immaterial as your length of service is rarely a strong enough reason for a salary review on its own. You have to negotiate for that raise and demonstrate why you feel you are owed one. Acting like the approval is a mere formality would be a big mistake on your part.

5 -     “I want £X”

When negotiating don’t reveal your number first, your boss may be thinking you are worth more! Be prepared to go higher if they are below what you feel is reasonable but do that calmly and rationally. It is, after all, a negotiation and needs to be treated like one.

6 -     “It’s all about me”

As strange as it sounds your salary review isn’t all about you. You need to highlight your work and its effect on the business in the past 12 months and outline a path for the next 12. This will help your boss see the upside of giving you a raise that you deserve both now and in the future.

7 -     “And another thing….”

If you are asking for a raise don’t ask for other things at the same time. It complicates the negotiation process and rarely works. Stick to the point and negotiate well.

8 -   “But they get more than me”

Firstly it’s not your place to know what everyone gets. Secondly, that comparison is rarely going to get you a raise. Stick to your qualities and achievements and don’t bring in others.

9  -    “but my recruitment consultant told me”

While recruitment consultants will have a wide overview of the general market conditions in your industry they won't know the ins and outs of your particular business or your role there. It's a good idea to have a chat with a specialist recruiter as part of your research but it's probably best to keep this out of your negotiations with your employer. 

10  -  “but I’ve just bought a boat”

Your personal circumstances changing isn’t a justification for a salary increase. It's best to keep that out of the negotiation to keep it on track.

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